Jeffersonville Time: ...

All Aboard,

Glory to God, what a day we are living in. We are listening to a Message that has been proven, by every act, to be Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. It has done the very same things that He did when He was here on earth; healed the sick, knowed the thoughts of the mind, showed forth things that would come to pass, raised the dead, and every time, It has been perfect.

The water has washed all the soil off the top on the mountain. There was nothing left but Rock. There was mysterious Writing on the Rock, so God sent us His mighty prophet to interpret the Writing to His Bride. Now the Bible has been completely interpreted.

He took His mighty angel upon the mountain and placed THE SWORD OF THE LORD IN HIS HAND. His angel then cut the top of that mountain out and lifted it up. On the inside of it was white rock, something on the order of granite that wasn’t even written on.

He told us to look upon This while he went West. He was then caught up in the midst of Seven Angels and come back and revealed to us ALL THAT WASN’T EVEN WRITTEN IN THE ROCK.

“This is My servant. And I’ve called him to be a prophet to the age, to lead the people just as Moses did. And he’s been given the authority, he could speak into existence.” Or something like that, like Moses did, like speaking in the flies. And we know about the squirrels, and so forth, and things that’s already took place. Little Hattie Wright back there, I suppose you know what taken place in her house.

W-I-L-L-I-A-MM-A-R-R-I-O-NB-R-A-N-H-A-M is God’s man He chose to lead His Bride for today. He is the flesh He chose to speak to us like He did when He came in flesh 2000 years ago. Every Scripture proves It. The Holy Spirit has revealed It. Now there is such a reassurance that we have the TRUE REVELATION of who He WAS, who He IS and who we ARE: His chosen sweetheart Bride.

We know we are in His perfect Will by staying with His Word. It brings such joy and happiness. It is impossible to express in mere words what it means to us.

We have always known deep in our heart and soul that there was something different there. We knew, even when we were in sin, there was something there that we couldn’t explain, but It was just there. Now we KNOW. We’ve never felt like this before, there is no more doubts, no more wondering, no more questioning, It is engraved and written in our soul. GLORY TO GOD!!

We are the generation that shall not be done away with until all of these things shall come to pass. We are the generation that is seeing the apostasy taking place before our eyes. The time is at hand. The flashing red light of His Coming is here. His last warning is taking place.

Death and destruction are all around us. We’re living in Sodom and Gomorrah. Filth, sin, man’s heart failing for fear, atomic bombs, distress between nations, and the whole time we are united and sitting together in Heavenly places as God Himself tells us, HAVE NO FEAR, YOU ARE MY SWEETHEART. Nothing can happen to you. Just let your hearts burn within you as I talk to you along the way and tell you, YOU ARE MY BRIDE.

Come unite with us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as there is a noise that takes place. The arm is going down. The red light has begun to flash. If you’re expecting to leave with us, you better throw that bag of peanuts down, stop your talking, get up your suitcases, and get ready or you’ll be left behind, ’cause He’s just stopping locally just for a few moments. He is coming to speak: The Flashing Red Light Of The Sign Of His Coming 63-0623E.

Bro. Joseph Branham




Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:

St. Matthew 5:28 / 22:20 / 24 Chapter
2 Timothy 4th Chapter
Jude 1:7
Genesis 6th Chapter